
Hello, my name is Thomas Courtois.
I am a music photographer since 2009.

At first, I was just bringing my camera to some concerts for fun when allowed.
In 2017 my music photography stepped up as I renew some of my gear and meet with Arnaud who introduce me to Thorium Magazine.
I am now shooting about one show a week for Thorium (you can find my 2017 shoots on www.studio-horatio.fr ).

Since 2022 I am also shooting for Vecteur Magazine, a printed and online magazine.

If you have any requests for me to shoot your band or if you have any photo projects related to music, I would love to help you.

For any questions, you can contact me: contact@metalhoratio.com


If you are interested in my other work you can find it here:

StudioHoratio (Adventure and Sports Photography and Videos)

Fournoratio (Food Photography and Recipe Blog in French)

CostaDelHoratio(Travel Photography and Blog in French)