What a night ! This week I had the chance to see and photograph Alexisonfire at MTelus. The band did not came to Montreal for a long, long time and it showed in the audience. People went really crazy as soon as Alexisonfire hit the stage. I have not seen this since Behemoth in 2018.
The band was supported by Metz, cool band for opening this amazing show.

From a photographer point of view, Metz had a pretty “light” lighting but really efficient so it was not that hard to get some cool pictures. The band is pretty active on stage so if you have the opportunity to shoot them, you should not be bore easily.
For Alexisonfire, I was a bit disappointing in their lighting at first. Only hard blue lighting, not great for photos. But at the end of the first song and the two next songs, the lighting improved a bit and it was a standard lighting quality for this kind of show. The band was almost as crazy as the audience. You will have trouble to follow everything happening on stage as these guys move a lot ! Especially the bassist, which is just running and jumping all the time. It was a real pleasure to shoot !
Here are the photos:


Thank Thorium Mag, who allowed me to get to MTelus to shoot the event.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
You can find the rest of the gallery here.
For a full review of the show (in French) by the amazing Francis, it is here.
Have a good day.