What a beautiful evening this was. The opening was done by Wolves In The Throne Room which I had already seen with Enslaved not so long ago. But this time the sound was really good. And this is kind of an important thing for a black ambient metal band. On top of that the scenic performance was really nice. It was a fat better performance compared to the last time I saw them. Congrats.

Next we had the old but awesome At The Gates, that I was seeing for the first time. I am a real fan of their music and am listening to them since a long time and I was happy to finally see them live. It was a solid performance with a mix of new and old material. Perfect to make me happy.

To end the night we had the polish band Behemoth. certainly not the first time I was seeing these guys live, but first time photographing them. As always I had a blast. At some point I discovered Behemoth and found it the most hardcore band that I knew. With time I learned to love their music and now I am a big fan of them. And I must say that seeing them live is pushing the experience further. Nergal is one of the best frontman I have seen in metal bands.

Here are the photos:

Shoot For Thorium Magazine !
Review (in French): here.