What a crazy night in Montreal! We had Dragonforce at MTelus for a concert night far from the classic metal concert. I do not listen a lot to Dragonforce, my biggest memories with them are the very hard song, Through the Fire and flames, on Guitar Hero. So I was a bit scared that the show would only be musicians playing fast on their guitars without anything else.
I was SO WRONG. Those guys play fast, but they also know how to make a great show. we had a lot of props, they were playing on top of arcade game boxes, and their mic stands were swords from Final Fantasy or Warhammer… Those guys are true geeks, and I loved that.
The band was also supported by Edge of Paradise, Nanowar of Steel (which was a massively good surprise for me !), and Amaranthe.
Here are my photos.
Edge of Paradise

Nanowar Of Steel



Photographer’s Corner.
For once, all the bands had pretty good lighting. For sure, the one of Edge of Paradise was not that good compared to Dragonforce, but it was largely enough to work.
Sadly Amaranthe had, in my opinion, the worst lighting. Lacking of luminosity.
For Nanowar of Steel, the lighting is good, but it is what the musicians are doing that is great. They are moving a lot, changing costumes, bringing props… You will have plenty to shoot. For us, on the first three songs, we had the “owl” costume, the Cthulhu mask, and their normal costume with wigs. Your best client as a photographer will be the guitar player.
Dragonforce has also a lot on stage! May be too much, they have high props on which they stand. It is good for the audience, but for a photographer, it is making things a bit harder. During the first song, we had confetti and a Co2 gun handled by the frontman. They also had Co2 jet in the back on the songs 2 and 3. Musicians are moving a lot on stage and playing with each other so be prepared and focus if you want to not miss anything!
Gear used for at Dragonforce at MTelus:
My gear for Dragonforce at MTelus :
Thank Vecteur Magazine, who allowed me to get to MTelus to shoot the event. If you want to read my full review in french, it is here.
Full gallery here.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
Have a good day.