Another night of concert with another style of metal that I am not used to progressive metal. My knowledge in this area is limited to Dream Theater, and I was listening to them a while ago. But it was time to get updated about this genre with Haken at Theatre Corona.
They were supported by another progressive band: Arch Echo. Here are my photos of the show.
Arch Echo


Photographer’s Corner.
Both band were lacking a bit or light, so most of my shots ended up with a bit too much noise for me. But I used A LOT, the new noise reduction tool from Lightroom, which was a real lifesaver.
Shooting Arch echo
I hope that it will not become a habit but once again, Arch Echo had better lighting than the headliner Haken.
Arch still had not very good lighting, but what saved them was the use of two cubes providing lighting in front of the stage. It could seem to be nothing but in fact, it is providing a big amount of front lighting which is something most bands forget to have on stage.
Their lighting seemed a bit chaotic from time to time, with too much color at once, but if you take care, you will be able to catch some moments with perfect white lighting, almost too perfect for concert photography.
The band is a bit too static on stage, for my taste, especially with the length of the song. At some point, I was feeling like I had nothing more to shoot.
I really want to see them again as a headliner, I am pretty sure they will have a killer lighting.
Shooting Haken.
It is my 3rd time shooting Haken, but the first as a headliner. I was used for them to having a kind of bad lighting so I was really happy during their setup when I saw awesome lighting being prepared.
Sadly I did not see this good lighting during the first three songs… Instead, we had kind of a bad lighting. It was lacking a lot of front lighting. Some of my best shots are of the musicians behind and not in front.
It is still my best shooting of the band.
My best advice would be to know their songs before the show. We were only two in the pit, and we went out at what he thought was the end of the third song. But in fact, it was not the end of the song, it was like its half. Progressive Metal…
The good things was that we were allowed to shoot for the rest of the show outside of the pit. I did not did it though as I though I had enough material for the night.
Gear used for Haken at Theatre Corona:
My gear for Haken at Theatre Corona:
Thank Vecteur Magazine, who allowed me to get to Theatre Corona to shoot the event.
You can find the report of my friend Damien, in french, here.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
You can find the rest of the gallery here.
Have a good day.