Long time no see! January was a bit poor in terms of concerts in Montreal and February is not really better. But I still started off my 2023 concert season with Tiesto at Igloofest.
Igloofest is an electro festival in Montreal, in winter! So it is most of the time pretty cold, with snow and everything. Luckily for me, this time was not that cold but we got a lot of snow.

During the night I had the opportunity to photograph Tiesto but also MoistBreezy, Marycee, Michael Sparks and Die Klar b2b DJ Kwame. It was the first time me seeing all of them.


Michael Sparks

Die Klar b2b DJ kwame


Photographer’s corner.
Overall it was not really nice conditions of shooting. I did not have any pit or stage access, so I was in the middle of the crowd. Also for all the artists, except Tiesto, they were some plexiglass protection over the turntable. Because of that, it was kind of hard to have good shots of the artists as they were partially covered by the plexiglass. From what I know, this is always the case every year at Igloofest, so be prepared.
Luckily, Moistbreezy was not staying behind her turntable and came in front of the stage to sing. It allows me to take some amazing shots.
Regarding Tiesto, be aware that he will use some fire and fireworks during his set, but mostly outside of the stage. So you will have the opportunity to capture them when capturing the whole scene. But you will not be able to have a close-up of Tiesto with those. Take that with a grain of salt though, as I do not know if the setup is the same for all Tiesto shows or if it was the Igloofest setup only.
Gear used for Tiesto at Igloofest:
My gear for Tiesto at Igloofest:
Working with two bodies in a situation like this, snowing a lot and middle of a crowd, is really easier and allows me to shoot with two lenses. Switching lenses and keeping my sensor clean there would have been a real challenge.
Thank Thorium Mag, who allowed me to get to Igloofest to shoot the event.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
You can find the rest of the gallery here.
Have a good day.