Last show of the year for me ! One of the best too, both from a spectator’s and a photographer’s point of view. Sadly, we had a release to sign for the photos so I can not post them here, I invite you to go to my article on Vecteur Magazine, which I was shooting for, to see them.

Spectator’s corner
From a spectator’s point of view, Amon Amarth is one of my favorite bands to see live. Having them as the headline was making me really happy. Especially at Place Bell, on a stage that is big enough to let them have as many decorations as they want. They also brought some fire. I was in heaven. If you want a more detailed report, in french, you can read my report on vecteur magazine.
The opening acts were good too. We had first Cattle Decapitation, then Obituary and Carcass. The two last mentioned are old and famous Death Metal bands that I sadly never saw live. This was a brutal and great opening for the night. From a photographer’s perspective, they could improve their light… but at the same time, it is part of the mood they want to develop on stage with their music.
Photographer’s corner.
Shooting Aman Amarth is kind of a paradise. At least for us during this show. First, we had the chance to shoot for the shows and not only the first three songs. So we had the first three songs from the pit and then we could move around the venue which is pretty nice and rare at Place bell.
Second, on stage Amon Amarth brought massive props, lots of fire, and even different kinds os scenery, with Viking fighting etc… I just loved it and it for a pleasure to photograph. The lighting was also pretty good so I did not need to go to high iso to shoot. If you can shoot them do not hesitate ! Be careful though if you have the opportunity to shoot them not as headlines, you do not have all of that on stage, but as a headline, you should not miss them!
I sadly can not say the same for the first act of the nightm Cattle Decapitation The mood was more “I play in the dark”. So it was really hard to have a nice pictures for them. They were moving nice on stage so I hope to see them again with a better lighting. If you go to see them, bring your F/1.4 lenses and crank up your iso !
Obituary was a bit in the same area but with some beautiful light designs so it was more a question of getting the right timing to capture the musician with the good light. They also played a bit with some smoke which is always good to add a bit of dynamic.
Sadly I can not say much regarding Carcass as we were not allowed to shoot them. From what I saw from my sit, there is some good opportunity for great pictures and the light is pretty good but not very diverse. I hope you will have more luck than us with the accreditations.
Gear used for Amon Amarth at Place Bell:
My gear for Amon Amarth at Place Bell:
- Canon R6 + RF 14-35mm F/4 L IS
- Canon R7 + RF 70-200mm F/4 L IS
Thank Vecteur Magazine, who allowed me to get to Centre Bell to shoot the event.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
You can find the rest of the gallery here.
Have a good day.