At the Gates at Theatre Corona – 26-08-2022

by | Aug 30, 2022 | blog, Concerts, Photography | 0 comments

I returned to Theatre Corona after a long time for a good metal show. The headline for tonight is At The Gates, playing one of my favorite genres: Swedish Death Metal. It is not the first time I see them and shoot them on stage and it is always a pleasure as they have great energy.

The band was supported by the amazing Municipal Waste, I heard a lot of good things about them but never had the chance to see them, and Enforced. Two great openers and the jump-packed crowd agreed with me. We had a circle pit from the start of the show til the end.


Municipal Waste

At The Gates

Photographer’s corner

From a photographer’s point of view, nothing major is to be noted. The lighting was not great for the openers but not bad either. Both Enforced and Municipal waste was moving a lot so we had plenty to shoot.

For At the Gates, the lighting improved a lot after the first song, it was really more easy to shoot. Keep an eye on the singer, Tomas Lindberg, who is playing with the crowd a lot, and making a lot of great poses. My favorite moment is when he is playing with his mic stand, you can get some killer photos (Sadly, my photos from this moment are not that good as I was too much on the right).

Also, if your crowd is as good as the one we got in Montreal, keep an eye on them as you may have a lot of circle pit or body surfers to shoot too.

Thank Thorium Mag, who allowed me to get to MTelus to shoot the event.

Let me know what you think about the photos!

You can find the rest of the gallery here.

For a full review of the show (in French) by the amazing Maxime, it is here.

Have a good day.