I had the chance to see Bigflo et Oli at Centre Bell, what an upgrade! A very special concert for me. The last time I saw Bigflo et Oli was in 2017 at Club Soda. It got me one of my favorite photos, even if it was a complicated show from the crowd, and I fell back into listening to French rap again.
What I love the most about them is that you feel at home when they are on stage. They are talking with the audience and seem to have no script at all.
They offered a great show, the arena was on fire. Respect! I hope to see them again in Montreal.
Bigflo et Oli at Centre Bell

Gear used for Bigflo et Oli at Centre Bell:
My gear for Bigflo et Oli at Centre Bell, we were shooting from the pit :
Thank Thorium Magazine, who allowed me to get to Centre Bell to shoot the event. If you want to read a full review in French, it is here.
Full gallery here.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
Have a good day.