Last week we had Dying Fetus at Théatre Corona for a pretty heavy show. They were supported by Chelsea Grin, Bodysnatcher, Frozen Soul and Undeath.
Also big kudos to Kyle Medina, singer of Bodysnatcher, who also did a full set with Chelsea Grin as their singer was not able to make it to the show.

The mosh pit was on fire and we saw a lot of circle pits and body surfing. The show was great in terms of performance. But for photography… not that good, the lighting was kind of hard to deal with. Especially with Dying Fetus, it was a nightmare to shoot. Fortunately, members of the band are pretty static behind their mics, allowing me to go with a really slow shutter speed, like 1/30s which is not usual in a metal show.

Frozen Soul


Chelsea Grin

Dying Fetus

Thank Thorium Mag, who allowed me to get to Place Bell to shoot the event. And thanks Extensive to allow us in there.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
You can find the rest of the gallery here.
For a full review of the show (in french) by the amazing Maxime Pagé, it is here.
Have a good day.