Lomepal at Place Bell – 11/10/2023

by | Oct 18, 2023 | blog, Concerts, Photography | 0 comments

The French rapper Lomepal was in Montreal this week for two shows at Place bell. I knew his name but did not know he was famous enough to sold out two Place Bell. I was there on the first night to cover the show as a photographer for Thorium Mag. Here are my photos of Lomepal at Place Bell.

Let me know which is your favorite one.


Photographer’s Corner.

This is a nice show. It lacked a bit of variation in the lights during the first three songs. But the light was really really good, so it is hard to not be happy. Outside of the lights, not much to say regarding the show. You should try to use shadows and big lights to build cool photos, there are a lot of possibility from that angle. You will not have pyro, co2, or other crazy things.

Good things though is the catwalk, not sure if it will be everywhere on his tour but we had it in Montreal. You could not get close to Lomepal, and it was my first time having a catwalk during a show !

I sadly could not stay, because of another assignment, but Lomepal was letting us shoot all the show from the venue. Which is really nice an rare at Place Bell.

Gear used for for Lomepal at Place Bell:

My gear for Lomepal at Place Bell :

Thank Thorium Magazine, who allowed me to get to Place Bell to shoot the event. If you want to read a full review in french, by the great Lena, it is here.

Full gallery here.

Let me know what you think about the photos!

Have a good day.