Ministry @ MTelus – 15/04/2018

by | Apr 21, 2018 | Concerts | 0 comments

I knew Ministry as the “pioneer of industrial metal” and I was not disappointed!

The evening was supposed to have three bands, unfortunately, Chelsea Wolfe had a bus issue and could not make it. It is sad as several people told me they were going to the show to see them.

Anyway, we still had two bands, The God Bombs, and Ministry.
The God Bombs delivered a really nice show, so much energy, and a music not so far from Combichrist (which I loved). It was a really nice discovery. I hope to see them again.

Ministry… Not much to say I found them really nice, I loved their music. If I knew their songs before going, I may have enjoyed more, but it was good enough. If you like Indus, you should definitely check them out and go see them live! You will not regret it.

Enjoy the photos and give me your feedback!

Shoot For <a href=””>Thorium Magazine</a> !
Review (in French): Soon