A night of deathcore music with Thy Art Is Murder at Olympia. It is not my favorite nights in term of lighting. But at least in term of energy it is rare to have that much power on stage.
Thy art is murder was supported by Snuffed on Sight, Signs of the swarm and Angelmaker.
Here is my photo report for Thorium Mag.
Snuffed on Sight

Sign of The Swarm


Thy Art Is Murder

Photographer’s Corner:
For a photographer, a deathcore night is a bit hard to capture. For this tour, bands really like stroboscopic lights. So be prepared for that.
Fortunatly, when you have the right timing, it is creating really great images. Rest of the time, it will be mostly dark.
The exception was Angelmaker, which has the better lighting of the night and my favorites photos. The duo of singers are great candidate for photos too. It was a pleasure to shoot them. Curious to see them as headliner in the future.
Gear used for at Thy Art Is Murder at Olympia:
My gear for Thy Art Is Murder at Olympia:
Thank Vecteur Magazine, who allowed me to get to Olympia to shoot the event. If you want to read my full review in french, it is here.
Full gallery here.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
Have a good day.