What an epic night of folk metal in Montreal ! Tyr at Studio TD brought to us not only some vikings but also some pirates and pink flamingos. It was a crazy night full of surprises, the bands and audience were really nice.
Tyr was supported by The Dread Crew Of Oddwood, Aether Realm and Trollfest. Here are my photos for Vecteur Magazine.
The Dread Crew Of Oddwood

Aether Realm



Photographer’s Corner:
The Dread Crew Of Oddwood was a really nice band to shoot. I have never heard of them before, and it was a shame. They are really cool to shoot with their pirate costume. But they also move a lot and even jump ! So be prepared. Not really a best client here, all the musicians are worth taking a bit of time to focus on.
Aether Realm is a bit less active band, but you still can have really great shot of headbang or interaction with the audience. My best client was the the guitar player on the left of the stage, the other one moved a lot less but offered a good opportunity too. Congratulations on the lighting, for an opening band it is rare to have such a pretty light (even better than the headliner).
Trollfest is just crazy. Their pink flamingo costume alone is worth coming to the show. The band move a lot on stage, sometimes hard to follow. DO NOT MISS the drummer. He is awesome and I would say that he is almost the best client (but they are almost all the best clients). The only downside is that there are many people on stage so for a small stage like Studio TD, they feel a bit restricted. It should be really great on a big stage.
Tyr was a bit disappointing. Their lighting was not that good. They have great faces and poses, but with everything we had before it felt a bit light. I would say the best client is the bass player who interacts a lot with the crowd.
Gear used for at Tyr at Studio TD:
My gear for Tyr at Studio TD:
Thank Vecteur Magazine, who allowed me to get to Studio TD to shoot the event. If you want to read my full review in french, it is here.
Full gallery here.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
Have a good day.