I discovered Windrose when they were opening for Rhapsody Of Fire. And It was a really nice surprise. I was really happy to see that they will start their first North America tour as headliners and will stop by Montreal. So here are my photos of Windrose at Theatre Beanfield.
The band was supported by the real good Xandria !


Photographer’s Corner:
It was a real pleasure to take photos for this evening! And if you follow me for some time, I do not often say that.
The lighting for Xandria was awesome. Bright, with not a lot of “single color” lighting setup. Perfect for photography. I was happy because it was not the first time I saw them live, and I had the chance to appreciate their energy on stage. But last time, the lighting was not good.
Your good clients are… everyone ! But my favorite is Robert Klawonn, the guitar player with the white guitar. I could do an album with only a picture of him.
Windrose also had great lighting, and again, all the band members are good clients. They are jumping, headbanging, and interacting with the audience… such a blast!
Also, do not forget to check the audience, some people have cosplay, a lot of axes to mine some diggy diggy holes, and also some bananas. I know it sounds weird, but you will understand if you go see them live.
Gear used for at Windrose at Theatre Beanfield – 16/04/2024:
My gear for Windrose at Theatre Beanfield – 16/04/2024:
Thank Thorium Magazine, who allowed me to get to Foufounes Electriques to shoot the event.
Full gallery here.
Let me know what you think about the photos!
Have a good day.